This presentation provides an overview of all the topics presented in today’s hearing related to children exposed to violence in...
Mental health issues, substance abuse, and violence are commonplace in Native American communities. In the text the author explains the...
Conflict amongst groups is not a new concept. This book focuses on reconciliation, justice, and coexistence in a post settlement...
How “The Great Hurt” a play written by a retired Indigenous artist and college faculty member about contemporary American Indian...
How a Shaman and non-western cultures view mental illness which contrasts with the western perspective. Incorporating Indigenous practices can help...
In each of these communities: Eskasoni First Nation, Esketmc First Nation, Hollow Water First Nation, Mnjikaning First Nation, Squamish First...
A community explains how traditional Yup’ik healing methods should be implemented to help overcome intergenerational trauma. This article follows a...
Many Native Americans who participated in a university survey about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) say traditional healing therapies are...
A narrative explaining a family’s history with the St. Mary’s school on the Bad River Reservation and how this left...
19 staff members and clients met in a Native American healing lodge and discussed their therapeutic approach to healing from...
Father Winston Rye of the Jesuits of English Canada authored an apology acknowledging the church’s role in the forced assimilation...
Several Christian denominations are repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery, a document claiming Christian Europeans have a claim to Indigenous land....