This presentation by Jolene Bowman explores the history of U.S. Indian boarding schools with a focus on her family history...
This is a recorded version of a presentation that Christine McCleave and Rose Miron, Staff from the National Native American...
Lyla June Johnston turned down Harvard Business School in order to return to her community and immerse herself in traditional...
This trailer tells of a First Nations boy who is sent to a residential school in Canada. At school he...
Letters filed in a case against the Catholic Church detail allegations of sexual abuse of students who attended St. Francis...
This clip is from the mini-series “Into the West.” It depicts the moment children arrived at Carlisle and were forced...
This video shows the federal government of Canada delivering an apology for the atrocities they committed against First Nations’ children...
This documentary gives the history of Native American boarding schools and policies that were established to assimilate Native American students...
Boarding schools were seen as a way to assimilate Native American students into the dominant culture and teach them western...
The organization Partner Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES) offered trainings to City staff around immigrant and refugee trauma in...
This video provides a history of Native American boarding school in the U.S., specifically how the goals of the schools...
This page provides links to several stories from the Boarding School Era about healing from residential schools. This includes how...