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A history and the purpose of Native American boarding schools along with stories from students who attended residential schools. Many...

A group of Navajo and people of European Christian descent who are members of the Christian Reformed Church, met to...

The Rosebud Sioux Tribe is trying to gather information on how to have their ancestors who are buried at the...

A movement to bring the story to light and find ways to start a healing process for Native American individuals,...

Boarding schools in Minnesota and the United States represent a dark chapter in the nation’s history. These schools were designed...

Making its premiere on National Aboriginal Day, Historica Canada’s newest Heritage Minute explores the dark history of Indian residential schools...

Rosalee Talahongva, a former band student at the Phoenix Indian School is working to turn the former band building into...

This article explores how the Navajo had a new nation foisted upon them via boarding schools where students were forced...

A chilling letter was found in a shed near Alberta Canada written during the boarding school era. The letter reflects...

A book about the Carlisle Indian School has been released, detailing the cultural genocide that took place within the school’s...

Dennis Banks talks about his experience at a boarding school and how these schools destroyed the culture, language, and songs...

The Thomas Indian School on the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation has a horrifying history, and it’s a story that has largely...