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This book is about the residential school experience of Irene Couchie–Jenny Kay Dupuis’ grandmother. It is ideal for children 7-11...

An Inuk mother in Canada hadn’t seen her daughter, Marieyvonne Alaka, since she was 4 years old. At that age...

Dickinson College has digitized materials available for educators to use. These teaching kits are available for use in schools, libraries,...

The history of the removal of Native American children who were forced to attend boarding schools. Children continued to be...

An article explaining the similarities of the current President’s policy of removing children from their families to the boarding school...

A video about the experience of boarding school survivor Margert Pokiak-Fenton. The video is set to “Say your name” by...

Several male members of the Hopi tribe were held in Alcatraz in San Francisco. Considered to be “hostiles” because they...

Native American children were subjected to a rigidly enforced regime of acculturation in a federally funded system of Indian boarding...

Native American boarding school survivors describe the lasting trauma they experienced as a “soul wound” that has not healed. The...

Several members of tribes in Washington (state) discuss their boarding school experience, how the trauma has been passed on to...

This thesis is a story of resistance, resistance by Native students, and their parents, to an institution that was founded...

A Tlingit woman from Alaska explains how boarding schools have affected the ability of Native communities to retain their language,...