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Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori encourages more people to learn about the Doctrine of Discovery and how the colonial idea...

The film ‘Healing Winds’ is based on the personal history of the filmmaker. It focuses on a psychiatrist who travels...

Unlike schools of the past, Native American boarding schools still in existence have become places where students have the opportunity...

Synod responded to a report published on the Doctrine of Discovery by calling the document heresy and cited the damage...

In this podcast Connie Walker gives an extensive overview of the history of residential schools in Canada. Several survivors told...

5 stories are told about children who died after they left residential school in Canada. In each case, the students...

When we think of residential schools, many will picture images of elderly survivors struggling to cope with their experiences. But...

Several Aboriginal musicians from Canada explain how residential school and their various life experiences inspired them to create music based...

At a Canadian residential school, Willie Blackwater stood up to his abuser and was able to stop him and other...

A Canadian residential school survivor, Michael Cheena, recalls how his family did not have a choice to send him to...

Two survivors of the Mohawk Indian Residential School share their different experiences. The first survivor, Audrey Hill, attended the school...

Kim Oseira tells the story of her life and boarding school experience. Raised by alcoholic parents, she and her sister...