The film focuses on a First Nations girl named Aila and her family on a reserve in Canada. Her parents...
From Letters from the Commissioner: This report describes the process and findings, discoveries and recommendations of the Maine Wabanaki-State Child...
Steps to take in order to file a complaint with Human Rights Bodies. Read PDF Here Source: Special Rapporteur on...
History at its best helps the present make sense of the past. History at its best tells the nation’s story...
Historical trauma, trauma often passed down through generations is not a new concept in Indian Country. Substance abuse, poverty, and...
According to author Joseph Boyden, “Attawapiskat is a microcosm of intergenerational trauma.” The community is plagued with issues of suicide,...
Extreme and traumatic events can change a person — and often, years later, even affect their children. Researchers have now...
In a powerful op-ed piece, retired physician Gabor Maté speaks about the issues that plague First Nations communities as the...
An assistant professor of psychiatry, Amy Bombay, has studied how trauma is passed through generations specifically, “through a kind of...
The students of residential school survivors are speaking out about how their parent’s trauma has affected them. Their experiences range...
Several First Nations youth testified about student deaths at Thunder Bay that happened between 2000-2001. They also explain how the...
Science has shown the connection between trauma and illness, and how it affects our minds, bodies, and genes. The science...