Cante Sica Boarding School Stories

Several boarding school survivors share their stories about their experiences during their time at school. Watch Videos Here  Source: Cante Sica, “Cante Sica Boarding School Stories,” Autry Media, and Autry Museum. Libraries and Archives of the Autry.  

Boarding School Era

A history of the Pauma and neighboring Luiseño bands experience in the Sherman Indian School. The tribes were against sending their children to Sherman and fought for their right to send their children to local schools. Read Article Here  Read PDF Here  Source: Pauma Tribe. Boarding School Era.  

Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute: American Indian Students (1878-1923)

A document written from first person accounts by students detailing the lives of those who attended the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Tribal affiliation and the dates a child attended a school are also listed. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Jon L. Brudvig. “Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute: American Indian Students:1878-1923).” 1994 and […]

Education at the Edge of Empire: Negotiating Pueblo Identity in New Mexico’s Indian Boarding Schools

Unlike many Native American tribes the Pueblo had a vastly different experience. While many parents were usually defenseless against government-run boarding schools, the Pueblo were able to exert power and influence, largely having control over the curriculum and school programs. School officials were powerless, as they were competing with nearby Catholic schools for students. As […]

Residential school archives set to open doors

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba will house millions of records collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The records, some of which were sealed for decades, include everything from school inspection reports to heartbreaking testimony from survivors who detailed graphic accounts of sexual and physical abuse. This archive […]

Tens of thousands of records and photos depicting the Indian residential school system will be seen in public for the first time this week

A video compilation explaining the history of Canada’s residential schools along with photographs taken at schools across the country spanning several decades. Watch Video Here Source: The Globe and Mail. “Tens of thousands of records and photos depicting the Indian residential school system will be seen in public for the first time this week.” November […]

White Man’s Club: Schools, Race, and the Struggle of Indian Acculturation

Thousands of children attended boarding schools in the United States, with the goal of forcing students to accept what were considered to be “American values.” Despite the schools’ insidious agenda, Native people were able to use these schools as a place of resistance and strengthened cultural identity. The author analyzes different schools, political agenda, and […]