Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 1827

This Department of the Interior Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs include an overview of Indian policy during this year, including qualitative information about a Great Crossings mission school in Kentucky. It lists the total number of children attending schools as 1,291 this year. Statement B in this document also includes a list of […]

Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 1826

This Department of the Interior Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs include an overview of Indian policy during this year and includes a report on the state of Indian Education, including information about a few Creek and Choctaw schools. The report also discusses the goal of using children as a link, or intermediary to […]

Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 1917

This Department of the Interior Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs includes an overview of Indian policy during this year and includes a report on Indian Education. This includes a description of subjects studied at boarding schools, uniforms, schools closed that year, and health conditions. Table 17, which can be found on p. 145 […]

NARA Records: Kansas City

The NARA records are not accessible online and will need to be requested by the specific NARA agency where records are stored. Using the link below you can see a list of all federally run schools that NARA has records for. The schools listed below have records stored at NARA Kansas City: North Dakota: Bismarck Indian […]

NARA Records: Chicago

The NARA records are not accessible online and will need to be requested by the specific NARA agency where records are stored. Using the link below you can see a list of all federally run schools that NARA has records for. The schools listed below have records stored at NARA Chicago: Wisconsin: Hayward Indian School, Oneida […]

NARA Records: Washington DC

The NARA records are not accessible online and will need to be requested by the specific NARA agency where records are stored. Using the link below you can see a list of all federally run schools that NARA has records for. The schools listed below have records stored at NARA Washington DC: Pennsylvania: Carlisle Indian School […]

NARA Records: San Francisco

The NARA records are not accessible online and will need to be requested by the specific NARA agency where records are stored. Using the link below you can see a list of all federally run schools that NARA has records for. The schools listed below have records stored at NARA San Francisco: California: Fort Bidwell Indian […]

NARA Records: Riverside

The NARA records are not accessible online and will need to be requested by the specific NARA agency where records are stored. Using the link below you can see a list of all federally run schools that NARA has records for. The schools listed below have records stored at NARA Riverside: Arizona: Navajo Training School , […]

NARA Records: Denver

The NARA records are not accessible online and will need to be requested by the specific NARA agency where records are stored. Using the link below you can see a list of all federally run schools that NARA has records for. The schools listed below have records stored at NARA Denver. Colorado: Fort Lewis Indian […]

Archives From Alaskool

The information from Alaskool’s archives includes the long-term effects of boarding schools, legislation related to education,  reports, and photographs. Additional links are also posted for other related resources. Access Archives Here Source: History of Alaska Native Education. Alaskool.