Lacey Kinnart

Programs Coordinator

Lacey Kinnart, Mukwa Ode Quay (Bear Hearted Woman), (she/her) is Ojibwe, Potawatomi, and Odawa and an enrolled citizen of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Lacey has worked as an office administrator and academic advisor in Indigenous education in Michigan and Wisconsin for the past 15 years.  She also worked as an administrator for the Indian Health Service facility in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was a member and Chairperson for the Milwaukee Indian Education Committee for several years. Lacey grew up in Anishinaabewaakiing (the land of the Anishishinabeg) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She graduated from Northern Michigan University and Bay College with a degree in Business. Lacey descends from several boarding school survivors, who survived Holy Childhood of Jesus School (Michigan), Mount Pleasant Industrial Indian School (Michigan), Flandreau Indian School (South Dakota), and Carlisle Indian Industrial School (Pennsylvania). Lacey is extremely passionate about empowering Native youth, advocating for those wrongly convicted, fighting mass incarceration, and strengthening the Native vote. Her fiancé, Danny Wilber, is an enrolled citizen of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin.