The Lost Ones: Long Journey Home documents the story of two Lipan Apache children captured along the Texas-Mexican border in 1877 by the 4th U.S. Cavalry. After the massacre of their village known as the “Day of Screams,” the children rode from fort to fort with the Calvary for three years before being taken to the Carlisle Industrial Indian School (CIIS) in Pennsylvania. Ties with their family were completely severed. The only legacy the children left was Kesetta’s three year-old son who became the youngest child ever to be enrolled at CIS. While the family remembered the Lost Ones every year, they never knew what had happened to the children or where they were buried until two centuries later. This documentary reveals the mystery of how in 2009 on the anniversary of Remolino, Lipan Apache descendants from California, Texas, and New Mexico came to Carlisle to offer blessings so the children could be sent home. This trailer for YouTube has been approved by the Lipan Apache Band of Texas Elders Committee. Many thanks to Daniel Castro Romero, Jr., Jackie Fear-Segal, Barbara Landis, Richard Gonzalez, Anita Anaya, and Manuel Saralegui. For more information about the 42 minute film and the 20 minute “Piecing Together the Story: Methodological Reflections,” contact Susan Rose at the Community Studies Center at Dickinson College (
Source: Community Studies. “The Lost Ones” Long Journey Home. YouTube video, 18:31. Posted [June 30, 2011].