This article explores how the Navajo had a new nation foisted upon them via boarding schools where students were forced...
A chilling letter was found in a shed near Alberta Canada written during the boarding school era. The letter reflects...
Dennis Banks talks about his experience at a boarding school and how these schools destroyed the culture, language, and songs...
American Indian Stories, first published in 1921, is a collection of childhood stories, allegorical fiction, and an essay. One of...
This public television special presents a Native American perspective on military service and sheds new light on PTSD by examining...
How “The Great Hurt” a play written by a retired Indigenous artist and college faculty member about contemporary American Indian...
How a Shaman and non-western cultures view mental illness which contrasts with the western perspective. Incorporating Indigenous practices can help...
A community explains how traditional Yup’ik healing methods should be implemented to help overcome intergenerational trauma. This article follows a...
A narrative explaining a family’s history with the St. Mary’s school on the Bad River Reservation and how this left...
The Northern Arapaho tribe is fighting to reclaim the bodies of children who died while attending boarding school under the...
Trauma experienced in childhood can be carried over into adulthood and manifest itself through physical illness such as cancer, heart...
Gabrielle Scrimshaw recalls how her mother’s and her family’s experience with residential schools, much like many Indigenous people across Canada,...