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Several Native Americans who attended boarding schools in the United States tell their stories, varying in experiences, trauma, and how...

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will present its final report into the history and legacy of Canada’s residential school system...

Commission releases 94 recommendations to confront ‘cultural genocide’ of schools. Justice Murray Sinclair, chair of the commission, called for changes...

Justice Murray Sinclair, the chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, says today marks the beginning of a new chapter...

12 Catholic groups, including the Loretto Community, asked the pope to rescind the decrees in the Doctrine of Discovery, a...

An explanation of the trauma that has has been passed down through generations because of residential school experiences. The author...

A film is going to be made about Carlisle Indian Industrial School, and focuses on an Ojibwe student who is...

Canadian Justice Murray Sinclair has said the entire country must embark on a journey to repair the relationship between Aboriginal...

A non-Indigenous Canadian explains how Canadians must take responsibility for theirs country’s history of racism and colonialism that led to...

Members of the Rosebud Sioux tribe want the bodies of children who died while attending the Carilsle Indian school to...

Denise Lajimodiere (Turtle Mountain Chippewa), a professor at North Dakota State University is collecting stories from boarding school survivors that...

A group of Navajo and people of European Christian descent who are members of the Christian Reformed Church, met to...