A digital archive that holds the stories of residential school survivors is now available to the public. Ry Moran, director...
A history of boarding schools in Santa Fe, NM and how they evolved into a less abusive educational system over...
An interview with Dennis Banks of the Ojibwe tribe who discusses Indian Boarding Schools being overlooked in the US. Banks...
Denise Lajimodiere (Turtle Mountain Chippewa), a professor at North Dakota State University is collecting stories from boarding school survivors that...
Rosalee Talahongva, a former band student at the Phoenix Indian School is working to turn the former band building into...
This article explores how the Navajo had a new nation foisted upon them via boarding schools where students were forced...
A chilling letter was found in a shed near Alberta Canada written during the boarding school era. The letter reflects...
Dennis Banks talks about his experience at a boarding school and how these schools destroyed the culture, language, and songs...
This public television special presents a Native American perspective on military service and sheds new light on PTSD by examining...
How “The Great Hurt” a play written by a retired Indigenous artist and college faculty member about contemporary American Indian...
How a Shaman and non-western cultures view mental illness which contrasts with the western perspective. Incorporating Indigenous practices can help...
A community explains how traditional Yup’ik healing methods should be implemented to help overcome intergenerational trauma. This article follows a...