Sandy White Hawk tells her story of being adopted by a white family, overcoming alcoholism, and returning to her roots...
University of Minnesota students collaborate on a five part documentary on Native Americans in Minnesota. The goal of the film...
This video addresses how restorative justice is being implemented within Native communities within Minnesota, and how non-Natives are obligated to...
Canada’s residential schools were influenced by the schools operating in the US. Unlike the US, Canada has formally apologized for...
The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) is calling on Christian denominations, including the Episcopal Church to examine...
The author makes a strong case for shifting from trauma informed care, which only focuses on the trauma a person...
An Inuk mother in Canada hadn’t seen her daughter, Marieyvonne Alaka, since she was 4 years old. At that age...
Native American boarding school survivors describe the lasting trauma they experienced as a “soul wound” that has not healed. The...
Several members of tribes in Washington (state) discuss their boarding school experience, how the trauma has been passed on to...
A Tlingit woman from Alaska explains how boarding schools have affected the ability of Native communities to retain their language,...
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba will house millions of records collected by the...
Several elders in Alaska are telling their stories, and creating a K-12 curriculum that focuses on the colonization of the...