This is a link to a professionally referenced academic journal, with issues dating back to 1982. Article topics include case...
Chapter 2: Child Sexual Abuse in Federal Indian Schools is one chapter within “A Report of the Special Committee Investigations...
Sandy White Hawk was adopted by a white family as a child, but eventually returned home to the Rosebud Sioux...
During the Indian Boarding School era, many children were abused at the hands of the school and the church. The...
This powerful article addresses a broad ranges of issues including historical trauma across generations, substance abuse, poverty, and healing practices....
The Lakota People’s project wants the United States to follow in Canada’s footsteps by establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commision....
The final report released by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) addressed the growing crisis facing Indigenous youth. The crisis...
This article tells the individual stories of children who have a parent(s) who survived genocide and as a result, could...
Even though Native American boarding schools have been closed for decades, the wounds from this era are still fresh. Homelessness,...
In this article Paula Palmer addresses the Quaker’s role in Indian Boarding schools, and the effects these schools continue to...
This guide is a resource for understanding what triggers anger, and the psychological and physiological response to it, especially chronic...
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report on residential schools in Canada laid out the neglect and abuse aboriginal children and...