A chilling letter was found in a shed near Alberta Canada written during the boarding school era. The letter reflects...
A book about the Carlisle Indian School has been released, detailing the cultural genocide that took place within the school’s...
The Thomas Indian School on the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation has a horrifying history, and it’s a story that has largely...
An account of the Canadian boarding school experience, and how many Canadians still fail to understand the impact still felt...
A conservative Canadian senator defends the boarding schools despite the atrocities committed against Indigenous students. The senator commented that she...
How “The Great Hurt” a play written by a retired Indigenous artist and college faculty member about contemporary American Indian...
How a Shaman and non-western cultures view mental illness which contrasts with the western perspective. Incorporating Indigenous practices can help...
A community explains how traditional Yup’ik healing methods should be implemented to help overcome intergenerational trauma. This article follows a...
Many Native Americans who participated in a university survey about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) say traditional healing therapies are...
A narrative explaining a family’s history with the St. Mary’s school on the Bad River Reservation and how this left...
19 staff members and clients met in a Native American healing lodge and discussed their therapeutic approach to healing from...
Several Christian denominations are repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery, a document claiming Christian Europeans have a claim to Indigenous land....