Native American children were subjected to a rigidly enforced regime of acculturation in a federally funded system of Indian boarding...
Native American boarding school survivors describe the lasting trauma they experienced as a “soul wound” that has not healed. The...
This thesis is a story of resistance, resistance by Native students, and their parents, to an institution that was founded...
A Tlingit woman from Alaska explains how boarding schools have affected the ability of Native communities to retain their language,...
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba will house millions of records collected by the...
Stories for different age groups to open up a dialogue about residential schools. The stories focus on boarding school experiences...
Several elders in Alaska are telling their stories, and creating a K-12 curriculum that focuses on the colonization of the...
Several Native Americans who attended boarding schools in the United States tell their stories, varying in experiences, trauma, and how...
A video compilation explaining the history of Canada’s residential schools along with photographs taken at schools across the country spanning...
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will present its final report into the history and legacy of Canada’s residential school system...
A Dakota family explains how their boarding school experiences varied across three generations. Family members noted how their experiences gradually...
Commission releases 94 recommendations to confront ‘cultural genocide’ of schools. Justice Murray Sinclair, chair of the commission, called for changes...