In response to a history of erasure and low graduation rates among American Indian students, American Indian leaders drew upon...
This book, “The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma”, reveals how childhood trauma literally...
In this article, published as a part of the Special Issue of the Journal of American Indian Education on Boarding...
This curatorial project retraces the history of seventy-two American Indian peoples from the Cheyenne, Kiowa, Comanche, Arapaho, and Caddo Nations...
This 1996 workbook provides specific tools, guidelines, and activities for those who are impacted by vicarious traumatization (a transformation that...
This qualitative study focuses on the modern-day approaches to Native American religion and Christianity in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN metro...
In this article the author initially explains what sparked her interest in researching boarding school survivor stories. She gives a...
This is a link to a professionally referenced academic journal, with issues dating back to 1982. Article topics include case...
This article explains the purpose of the tribunal, the sacred aspects of justice, and gives a detailed breakdown of the...
From Letters from the Commissioner: This report describes the process and findings, discoveries and recommendations of the Maine Wabanaki-State Child...
History at its best helps the present make sense of the past. History at its best tells the nation’s story...
For over a century, the central goals of Canada’s Aboriginal policy were to eliminate Aboriginal governments; ignore Aboriginal rights; terminate...