Lyla June Johnston turned down Harvard Business School in order to return to her community and immerse herself in traditional...
At a training event geared towards helping residential school survivors and their families who are affected by trauma, an important...
The Canadian federal government is working on settlements with former residential school survivors who were abused by other students. These...
The Mohawk Institute in Canada, a former residential school, is being turned into a space to educate the public about...
Ontario’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report is to implement First Nation, Métis and Inuit culture and...
This trailer tells of a First Nations boy who is sent to a residential school in Canada. At school he...
For Tala Tootoosis, a ribbon skirt is a powerful symbol of survival. Her grandmother attended a boarding school where she...
Accurate Native American history and narratives are often missing in the curriculum taught in schools across the United States. This...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a statement that the federal government will go ahead with plans to create a holiday...
Sexual abuse was common in residential schools across Canada. As a result from the trauma experienced in residential schools, much...
This video shows the federal government of Canada delivering an apology for the atrocities they committed against First Nations’ children...
This is the story of Fred John, who attended residential school in Alaska. During his time at school he became...