White Man’s Club: Schools, Race, and the Struggle of Indian Acculturation

Thousands of children attended boarding schools in the United States, with the goal of forcing students to accept what were considered to be “American values.” Despite the schools’ insidious agenda, Native people were able to use these schools as a place of resistance and strengthened cultural identity. The author analyzes different schools, political agenda, and […]

Research Is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods

This book is geared towards someone looking to do a research project through an Indigenous lens. Crafted by Indigenous scholars in Canada and Australia, the text gives the reader an understanding of how to carefully and respectfully select research topics, methods of data college, forms of analysis, and how to present information-all through an Indigenous […]

Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations, and Contexts

This is a guide for conducting a research project using Indigenous methods. These methodologies come from tribal knowledge and are a distinct form of research even though they share similarities with western qualitative methods. The book includes the perspectives from six Indigenous researchers, and how to decolonize research methods. Book Available for Purchase Here Source: […]

To Win the Indian Heart: Music at Chemawa Indian School

Melissa Parkhurst examines the school’s musical program and how it was meant to be used as a tool to assimilate students. Instead, many students used music as a form of resistance as a way to maintain their culture in a hostile environment. Through the stories of alumni and school records, the author tells the story […]

Using the Community Readiness Model in Native Communities

The effects of alcohol and other drug abuse are recognized as a serious problem in U.S. communities. Policy efforts and increased law enforcement have only a minimal impact if prevention strategies are not consistent with the community’s level of readiness, are not culturally relevant, and not community specific. A model has been developed for accurately […]

To Live To See the Great Day That Dawns: Preventing Suicide By American Indian and Alaska Native Youth And Young Adults

This manual is a foundation for creating community based suicide prevention programs and promotes mental health among American Indian and Alaska Native teens and young adults. The book discusses topics like risks, protectives factors, awareness, and how prevention models are established. Get Book Here Download PDF Here Source:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Substance […]

A Return to Wellness

An Indigenous perspective on healing the mind and the body using traditional teachings and practices. Watch Video Here Source: Indigenous Wellness Research Institute. “A Return to Wellness.” Youtube Video, 13:25. Posted [November 2013].

Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature, and the Body

This book addresses the idea that rhythm is an essential component of the human experience. It does this by asking how people respond when rhythm is disrupted through trauma and explores this through multiple cultural facets. Book Available for Purchase Here: Source: Korn, Leslie E. Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature, and the Body. New York, NY: […]