Residential school survivors, descendents, show poorer health outcomes: survey

The results from a comprehensive study showed that residential school survivors and their descendents are more likely to suffer worse health outcomes than those who did not attend or are not descended from residential school survivors. The study looked at physical and mental health, employment and income, and housing and residential school experiences. While the […]

American Indian Boarding Schools in the United States: A Brief History and Legacy

In this article the author initially explains what sparked her interest in researching boarding school survivor stories. She gives a detailed history of boarding schools, specifically that many children were abused, contracted diseases, and were subjected to forced assimilation. 20 boarding school survivors were interviewed and four major themes were present: 1) the participants attending […]

American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research

This is a link to a professionally referenced academic journal, with issues dating back to 1982. Article topics include case studies, program evaluations, empirical research, unpublished dissertations, any other articles relevant to mental health among Native Americans and Alaska Natives. Go to Website Here Source: Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research. Colorado […]

Meriam Report: The Problem With Indian Administration

The section on education within the Meriam Report addresses how the educational system has failed Native American students, including the detrimental effects of Indian boarding schools. In addition to providing inadequate education, student suffer from malnourishment and abysmal living conditions which contributes to psychological distress. Read Article Here Meriam, Lewis et al. Meriam Report: The Problem […]

Indian Education: A National Tragedy-A National Challenge (Kennedy Report)

This report gives an extensive overview of Native American education in the United States, including how schools have failed to provide adequate education and this has resulted in poor academic and life outcomes for Native American communities. Additionally, the report makes subcommittee recommendations, such as the role federal and non-federal schools play in educating Native […]

Chapter 2: Child Sexual Abuse in Federal Indian Schools

Chapter 2: Child Sexual Abuse in Federal Indian Schools is one chapter within “A Report of the Special Committee Investigations of the Select Committee On Indian Affairs. Final Report and Legislative Recommendations.” It begins on page 93 in the text. This chapter details how the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) allowed the sexual abuse of […]

Beyond the Mandate: Continuing the Conversation. Report of the Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Commission

From Letters from the Commissioner: This report describes the process and findings, discoveries and recommendations of the Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth & Reconciliation Commission, whose mandate was endorsed in February 2013. The governor of Maine and the five tribal chiefs signed as equals to authorize the Commission to investigate whether or not the removal […]