Suicide and Trauma may be woven in DNA for Native Americans

Article by Mary Annette Pember on the science of ACES and Epigenetics and historical or intergenerational trauma in Native communities. Epigenetics proposes that memories of trauma can be passed on genetically and this can influence how people respond to stress and trauma. Read Article Here Read PDF Here   Source: Mary Annette Pember, Huffington Post – […]

American Indian Stories

This is a short story told about a young Pueblo girl taken to the Santa Fe Indian School. This piece tells of the night before she was taken to school, leading up to the moment school officials arrived at their home the following morning. Personal Stories – SFIIS Student (PDF) Source: Zitkala-Sa [aka Gertrude Simmons […]

Chapter 21: Healing the American Indian soul wound

Almost two decades ago, the concept of a “soul wound” came to light and has been part of Indigenous knowledge since the arrival of Columbus in the Bahamas and Cortez in Mexico. The term “soul wound” has become synonymous with historical trauma and has been passed on through generations. Current issues in Indian Country can […]

Phenomenology & Psychobiology of the intergenerational response to trauma

A three-part research study Examining the Relationship Between PTSD Symptoms in Parents & their Offspring; Comparing First & Second Generation Survivors on Biological Variables; and Exploring Subgroups of Offspring & Comparing Urinary Cortisol Excretion in Offspring to that of Demographically. This chapter will illustrate the approaches used by our group to arrive at different types of […]