NABS Statement: Supreme Court Protects ICWA

“The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Indian Child Welfare Act is justice for Native children, families, and Tribal Nations. The overwhelming 7-2 vote in favor of upholding ICWA is an encouraging sign that the United States is committed to honoring Tribal Nations’ abilities to self-govern over the well-being of their citizens. 

ICWA was established because 25-35% of Native children were stolen from their families and placed in non-Native homes outside of their communities. We have seen this act of genocide – the destruction of Native families and cultures – play out over and over again throughout U.S. history. 

ICWA has represented progress by the federal government and provided an opportunity to heal and strengthen family structures within Native communities. 

This wasn’t the first time ICWA was at risk. Numerous states across the country, including Minnesota, have passed laws similar to ICWA with the goal of protecting Native families. We need every state to replicate these actions and show they’re willing to work with Tribal Nations for the protection of Native children. 

NABS celebrates this victory alongside our Tribal Nations, partners, and families, and we will continue to stand in solidarity in the ongoing fight to protect our inherent rights.”