NABS Statement on History Colorado Report & Findings

The discovery in Colorado of at least 65 Native children who died while attending Indian boarding schools is devastating. While it’s painful to confront such unsettling information, it is a necessary step in bringing truth, justice, and healing to our relatives. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the impacted families and Tribal Nations. We hope that this revelation brings them the healing and justice they deserve.

We commend Colorado for taking action and shedding light on the atrocities endured by Indigenous children who attended U.S. Indian boarding schools from 1880-1920. This study underscores the lasting, multi-generational harm inflicted upon Native communities by these institutions. We call upon other states to follow suit.

These distressing findings continue to generate important discussions about addressing historical injustices and the need for more investigations into the treatment of Native American children who attended Indian boarding schools across the United States. We encourage you to join NABS in supporting the U.S. Truth and Healing Commission Bill (S. 1723), which contains a provision focused at identifying Native children who never made it home. 

Read the report