For Survivors and Descendants
- Start talking to your family about boarding schools
- Seek counseling or healing in your community, if needed
- Join the Healing Voices Movement
- Share your story with us as we collectively seek truth, justice, and healing
As Indigenous peoples we come from strong backgrounds of storytelling and of deep listening. For many of us our traditional ways encourage emotional processing, remembering, and teaching through storytelling. As an organization that centers truth, justice, and healing, we believe that sharing stories from your experience with Indian boarding schools can be an important part of the healing process.
We want to make sure all boarding school survivors are supported during the process of sharing their stories, so part of our follow-up will be understanding what resources you might need in order to feel comfortable talking about your experience.
If you are interested in sharing your experiences and perspectives with us, please submit your information and we will reach out about future opportunities to be part of truth-telling efforts.
Get involved with
Community Advocacy:
- Write to your representatives in Congress and ask them to support The Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the U.S. Act.

As a Coalition member, you will…
- Receive discounts on conference registration and additional members-only access to our online portal
- Have premiere access to the coalition network and exclusive meetings, events, and opportunities
- Be invited to attend the annual membership meeting, nominate board members, as well as be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors and Coalition Committees
There are two classes of membership: Regular member and Affiliate member.
Regular Members are:
- Tribal Nations or members of federally recognized tribes with proof of enrollment
- Members of unrecognized tribes with proof of membership
- Descendants of Federally recognized or unrecognized tribes with documentation of descent
- Organizations with more than half American Indian ownership
Affiliate Members are:
- Indigenous, First Nations, or Aboriginal individuals, Nations, or organizations outside the U.S.
- All other individuals, churches, or organizations without proof of tribal enrollment, descent, or more than half Indian ownership
There are no fees associated with becoming a member of the Coalition, and there are no annual membership dues. Simply, complete and send in the application form.
Send your completed application to us at:
2525 E. Franklin Ave.
Suite 150
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Or email to
Your application will be reviewed by our Membership Committee and you will be notified within 60 days of your application as to the status of your membership.