Lateral Violence

The video explains how lateral violence is ravaging Indigenous communities through gossip, and people undermining each other as a way to feel powerful or gain something. Lateral violence has it’s roots in colonialism and feelings of powerlessness. Cultural revitalization and preservation are one way to build positive community in communities that have experienced trauma and […]

Educating Our Youth

Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students learn about the history of residential schools in Canada, and the impact this has left on Indigenous communities. For several Indigenous students, this gave insight into the horrors their families experienced, and how this led to trauma. Non-Indigenous students said they were unaware of this history, and think it is […]

Stolen Children: Residential School survivors speak out

Several survivors from Canadian residential schools share their experiences of abuse, and how this has affected their children and grandchildren. One of the survivors ended up sending her children to residential school. Video clips are also shown of children in at school. Another survivor describes residential schools as “a blot on the Canadian landscape”for three […]

The Thick Dark Fog

Walter Littlemoon attended a federal Indian boarding school in South Dakota sixty years ago. The mission of many of these schools, as late as 1950, was to “kill the Indian and save the man.” The children were not allowed to be Indians – to speak their language or express their culture or native identity in […]

10-Hunter Genia: Generational Impacts of the Boarding School System

Hunter Genia is a well respected member of the Saginaw Chippewa Wellness community and works at the tribe’s Behavioral Health department. He shares very personal stories of he and his relatives’ experiencing direct impacts from being swept into the boarding school systems, and generational aftershocks of those experiences. Watch Video Here Source: Mount Pleasant Industrial […]

We Were Children – The Traumatic Legacy of Residential Schools

In this feature film, the profound impact of the Canadian government’s residential school system is conveyed through the eyes of two children who were forced to face hardships beyond their years. As young children, Lyna and Glen were taken from their homes and placed in church-run boarding schools, where they suffered years of physical, sexual […]

Make No Bones About It (Audio)

Sandy WhiteHawk was adopted by a non-Native family, but eventually returned to her roots. She founded and is the director of the First Nations Institute, an organization whose mission is to help Native adoptees and those who were in foster care reconnect with their tribal communities and identities. Listen to Podcast Here Source: White Hawk, […]

An overdue apology, part 1 of 5

The first part in the documentary asks U. of Minnesota students what they know about Native Americans. An introduction to significant Dakota words is presented along with the history of the Ojibwe and Dakota before and during European colonization. It briefly discusses  treaties between the tribes and the US government, contemporary federal Indian policy, how […]

An overdue apology part 5 of 5

This video addresses how restorative justice is being implemented within Native communities within Minnesota, and how non-Natives are obligated to confront the state’s painful history with local tribes across the state. Examples of this include renouncing the “Doctrine of Discovery” and Manifest Destiny-colonial ideals that believed Europeans have a claim to the United States. It […]

Say Your Name

A video about the experience of boarding school survivor Margert Pokiak-Fenton. The video is set to “Say your name” by Keith Secola and features images from the books “Fatty Legs” and “Stranger at Home.” Watch Video Here Source: The Ndn Kar. “Say Your Name- Keith Secola.” YouTube video, 3:42. Posted [November, 9, 2012].  

Tens of thousands of records and photos depicting the Indian residential school system will be seen in public for the first time this week

A video compilation explaining the history of Canada’s residential schools along with photographs taken at schools across the country spanning several decades. Watch Video Here Source: The Globe and Mail. “Tens of thousands of records and photos depicting the Indian residential school system will be seen in public for the first time this week.” November […]