Archives From Alaskool

The information from Alaskool’s archives includes the long-term effects of boarding schools, legislation related to education,  reports, and photographs. Additional links are also posted for other related resources. Access Archives Here Source: History of Alaska Native Education. Alaskool.

Archives from the University of Washington

Type in “boarding schools” into the search engine in the link below.The photos in the archives from the University of Washington include photographs of school campuses, students, and documents. The search results can be narrowed down by creator, date, provenance, relation-is part of, and type. Access Archives Here Source: Digital Collections. University of Washington Libraries.

Photographs from Alaska’s Digital Archives

These photos from Alaska’s Digital Archives depict letters, documents, boarding school campuses, and students. It is possible to narrow down search results according to collections, creator, source, subject, title and type. Access Photographs Here Source: Boarding Schools. Alaska’s Digital Archives.

Minnesota Digital Library Photographs

These photographs from the Minnesota Digital Library show the campus and include students. To access the photos type “Native American Boarding Schools” into the search engine. It is possible to narrow down the results by type, physical format, date created, location, subject heading, and contributor. Access Archive Here Source: Minnesota Reflections. Minnesota Digital Library.

Photographs from the Smithsonian Part 2

This collection of photographs from the Smithsonian is more broad. Click on the link below and type in “Native American Boarding Schools.” There are numerous photographs and it is possible to narrow the search results by using the “narrow by” box on the right side of the page. Search for Photographs Here Source: Collections Search […]

Carlisle Photographs from the Smithsonian

This archive from the Smithsonian Institution has photos of Carlisle, including photos of students and the campus. The photographs include portraits, sports teams, and students working. Access Photographs Here Source: John N. Choate photographs of Carlisle Indian School circa 1879-1902. Smithsonian Institution.

School Photographs from Marquette Digital Archive

In the digital archive from Marquette University you can search for Catholic boarding and mission schools. This archive is mostly photographs with a few documents. Type in boarding schools into the search engine found in the link below, and it is possible to narrow down results by (un)checking boxes on the left of the results. […]

Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center

The Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center provides a wealth of information related to the history of the school, including photographs, student records, publications related to the schools (newspaper articles, magazines, and school pamphlets), lists/legers, and teaching resources. Categories are accompanied by a comprehensive search engine where the user can narrow down resources by nation/tribe, […]

About Indian Boarding Schools: Background to Louise Erdrich’s Poem

This compilation has links to a series of articles, stories, and photographs from the Indian Boarding School era. Personal accounts from from students, and a school schedule are also included.  A general overview from the Indian Boarding School era is provided as well. Read Article Here Source: Louise Erdrich. Complied by Cary Nelson. “About Indian […]

Visualizing a Mission: Artifacts and Imagery from Carlisle Indian School 1879-1918

Visualizing a Mission: Artifacts and Imagery of the Carlisle Indian School, 1879-1918 examines artifacts associated with the nation’s first boarding school for Native Americans. The artifacts illustrate various educational, cultural, and visual facets of the Carlisle Indian School and how the institution served to “civilize” Native Americans as part of a larger process of government […]

How hockey offered salvation at Indian residential schools

In the midst of trauma and abuse, many students found solace in playing hockey. Students often had to build hockey rinks themselves or skate on frozen lakes. Their passion for hockey was supported by the schools by having priests and lay teachers serve as coaches. Students competed against Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students. Willie Littlechild, who […]