Let All That Is Indian Within You Die!

Like a lot of the details of the United States historical relations with the indigenous inhabitants of this land, the story of the Indian boarding school policy of the United States government has largely been written out of the history books. Yet, this was a major federal policy. And it had major impacts, positive and […]

The American Indian Holocaust: healing historical unresolved grief

American Indians experience massive losses of lives, land, and culture from European contact and colonization resulting in a long legacy of chronic trauma and unresolved grief across generations. This phenomenon, labeled as historical unresolved grief, contributes to the current social pathology of high rates of suicide, homicide, domestic violence, child abuse, alcoholism and other social […]

A Case Report of Historical Trauma Among American Indians on a Rural Northern Plains Indian Reservation

This case report describes historical trauma on a rural American Indian Reservation and outlines participatory action approaches for nurses. The prevalence of historical trauma often goes unnoticed by healthcare professionals because of its multifaceted nature and subsequent lack of provider understanding. Nurses accustomed to looking only for physical and psychosocial signs of trauma may not […]

Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the future – Summary of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

For over a century, the central goals of Canada’s Aboriginal policy were to eliminate Aboriginal governments; ignore Aboriginal rights; terminate the Treaties; and, through a process of assimilation, cause Aboriginal peoples to cease to exist as distinct legal, social, cultural, religious, and racial entities in Canada. The establishment and operation of residential schools were a […]

Resistance on the Great Plains: The Bismarck Indian School 1916-1921

This thesis is a story of resistance, resistance by Native students, and their parents, to an institution that was founded in an attempt to eradicate Native culture and Americanize Native people, specifically the children. The Bismarck Indian School was one of twenty-eight off-reservation boarding schools erected by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to assimilate Native […]

American Indian Stories: The School Days of an Indian Girl

American Indian Stories, first published in 1921, is a collection of childhood stories, allegorical fiction, and an essay. One of the most famous Sioux writers and activists of the modern era, Zitkala-Sa (Gertrude Bonnin) recalled legends and tales from oral tradition and used experiences from her life and community to educate others about the Yankton […]

Using the Community Readiness Model in Native Communities

The effects of alcohol and other drug abuse are recognized as a serious problem in U.S. communities. Policy efforts and increased law enforcement have only a minimal impact if prevention strategies are not consistent with the community’s level of readiness, are not culturally relevant, and not community specific. A model has been developed for accurately […]

To Live To See the Great Day That Dawns: Preventing Suicide By American Indian and Alaska Native Youth And Young Adults

This manual is a foundation for creating community based suicide prevention programs and promotes mental health among American Indian and Alaska Native teens and young adults. The book discusses topics like risks, protectives factors, awareness, and how prevention models are established. Get Book Here Download PDF Here Source:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Substance […]

Our Culture is Medicine: Perspectives of Native Healers on Posttrauma Recovery Among American Indian and Alaska Native Patients

American Indian and Alaskan Native people experience more traumatic events and are at a higher risk for developing posttraumatic stress compared with the general population. Interviews were conducted with six Native healers about their perspective on traumatic injury and healing. The interviews were categorized in one of four categories: causes and consequences of traumatic injury, […]