Residential school survivors share their story of healing

Two survivors of the Mohawk Indian Residential School share their different experiences. The first survivor, Audrey Hill, attended the school for one year. Coming from an environment where her parents showed affection, she knew there was something wrong at Mohawk. She heard stories of abuse, was slapped, and had her hair pulled while attending school. […]

The Last Orphans of Holy Cross

Kim Oseira tells the story of her life and boarding school experience. Raised by alcoholic parents, she and her sister were sent to the Holy Cross Mission Orphanage where they were ridiculed by other students. Unlike other children, Kim and her sister had no knowledge of their culture or language. Like many boarding schools, students […]

How hockey offered salvation at Indian residential schools

In the midst of trauma and abuse, many students found solace in playing hockey. Students often had to build hockey rinks themselves or skate on frozen lakes. Their passion for hockey was supported by the schools by having priests and lay teachers serve as coaches. Students competed against Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students. Willie Littlechild, who […]

Boarding School Era

A history of the Pauma and neighboring Luiseño bands experience in the Sherman Indian School. The tribes were against sending their children to Sherman and fought for their right to send their children to local schools. Read Article Here  Read PDF Here  Source: Pauma Tribe. Boarding School Era.  

South Dakota commits shocking genocide against Native Americans

South Dakota is violating ICWA by abducting and kidnapping Native children and placing them with white families. The practices of the state fall under the category of genocide according to the UN’s General Assembly definition. A legal campaign is underway to have the children returned to their families. Despite the state’s claims that they have […]

We Are Coming Home (website)

Sandy White Hawk tells her story of being adopted by a white family, overcoming alcoholism, and returning to her roots on the Rosebud Sioux reservation. She credits attending social gatherings, ceremonies, and pow wows with helping her reconnect to her roots. She realized the need for an organization that helps network and assists adoptees, fostered […]

Canada confronts ‘cultural genocide’ against aboriginal people

An op-ed piece stating the US should follow Canada’s example by acknowledging their government’s own history with forcing students to attend boarding schools. The article further elaborates that even though the boarding school era has passed, communities continue to feel the effects through intergenerational trauma. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Lauren Carasik. “Canada […]

When Will U.S. Apologize for Boarding School Genocide?

Canada’s residential schools were influenced by the schools operating in the US. Unlike the US, Canada has formally apologized for residential schools, and has funded several programs aimed at documenting the stories of survivors and created community programs for Indigenous communities. The remaining question is, “When will the US follow Canada’s example?” Read Article Here […]

Stewart Indian School museum to tell the full story

The site of the Stewart Indian School is opening up a museum and cultural center in the spring of 2019. The Nevada Indian Commission formed a cultural advisory committee with school alumni and their descendants to gather testimonies, and hired researchers and Native artists to help with the exhibits. For many, the Stewart Indian School […]