Carlisle Indian activists, kin gather to share school story

Native Americans, from a wide range of tribes and allies gathered at Carlisle to pay their respects to the students, and discussed the history that took place at the school. In addition a conference was held that addressed the school’s complicated athletic history. Athletics were often a tool used to attract other Native Americans students […]

Intergenerational Healing: Recognition, Resistance, Resilience, and Recovery

Historical trauma, trauma often passed down through generations is not a new concept in Indian Country. Substance abuse, poverty, and mental health issues are just some of the ways this trauma has manifested. The author proposes a series of actions to help Indigenous communities heal from the trauma they’ve experienced, including: 1) Intergenerational recognition 2)intergenerational […]

The true tragedy of Attawapiskat

According to author Joseph Boyden, “Attawapiskat is a microcosm of intergenerational trauma.” The community is plagued with issues of suicide, poverty, substance abuse, and painful memories of the country’s residential school era. Boyden elaborates with, “You can’t attempt cultural genocide for 140 years, for seven generations—the last of these schools closing their doors in 1996—and […]

Hereditary trauma: inheritance of traumas and how they may be mediated

Extreme and traumatic events can change a person — and often, years later, even affect their children. Researchers have now unmasked a piece in the puzzle of how the inheritance of traumas may be mediated. The phenomenon has long been known in psychology: traumatic experiences can induce behavioural disorders that are passed down from one […]

How do we heal trauma suffered by Native communities?

In a powerful op-ed piece, retired physician Gabor Maté speaks about the issues that plague First Nations communities as the result of colonialism and the traumatic residential school era. The current living conditions of many First Nations people remains largely unknown by many Canadians, and for the healing process to begin, this needs to change. Maté […]

Lasting effects of trauma reaches across generations through DNA

An assistant professor of psychiatry, Amy Bombay, has studied how trauma is passed through generations specifically, “through a kind of genetic memory.” While trauma is passed through social and psychological pathways there is evidence that epigenetics is also a method of transmission for trauma. This has been studied in the children of Holocaust survivors “in […]

First Nations youth testify at student deaths inquest in Thunder Bay

Several First Nations youth testified about student deaths at Thunder Bay that happened between 2000-2001. They also explain how the residential school experience has impacted their families, has been passed down through generations, and has perpetuated a cycle of despair and violence. Several students talked about their personal struggles and what needs to be done […]

Trauma May Be Woven Into DNA of Native Americans

Science has shown the connection between trauma and illness, and how it affects our minds, bodies, and genes. The science of epigenetics proposes that trauma experienced by ancestors is passed through genes and this impacts how someone reacts to trauma and stress. However, this is not news in Indian Country where people are wondering what […]

Visualizing a Mission: Artifacts and Imagery from Carlisle Indian School 1879-1918

Visualizing a Mission: Artifacts and Imagery of the Carlisle Indian School, 1879-1918 examines artifacts associated with the nation’s first boarding school for Native Americans. The artifacts illustrate various educational, cultural, and visual facets of the Carlisle Indian School and how the institution served to “civilize” Native Americans as part of a larger process of government […]

3/30/15-Historical trauma affects mental health of today’s Native American

Ojibwe journalist Mary Annette Pember visited an Alaskan community to examine historical trauma and mental health practices. She says the troubled lives experienced by many Native Americans is a reflection of our past, citing boarding school as one of many examples. Native American history of displacement, dislocation, and forced removal of children has exacerbated the […]