Report: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Required to Confront Past, Move Forward

The Lakota People’s project wants the United States to follow in Canada’s footsteps by establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commision. It’s time the United States acknowledges it’s dark role in destroying Native American communities through compulsory residential school attendance. The traumatic effects from residential school are still felt within Native communities today. Many Native Americans […]

Children of Genocide Survivors Can Inherit Trauma in Their DNA

This article tells the individual stories of children who have a parent(s) who survived genocide and as a result, could experience intergenerational trauma through genetics. The children of survivors come from around the world. The article explains an experiment done in New York City where Jewish Holocaust survivors and their children had lower levels of […]

Quaker Indian Boarding Schools: Facing Ourselves and Our History

In this article Paula Palmer addresses the Quaker’s role in Indian Boarding schools, and the effects these schools continue to have on boarding school survivors, their descendents, and communities. She amplifies this by adding perspectives and quotes from students and faculty who attended or worked at Quaker-run schools. In the end she calls on fellow […]

How Anger Affects the Brain and Body (Infographic)

This guide is a resource for understanding what triggers anger, and the psychological and physiological response to it, especially chronic anger. In addition this article also illustrates the additional health issues that can arise from chronic stress hormones such as decreased cardiovascular health. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Ruth Buczynski, Ph.D. “How Anger […]

Can trauma have genetic effects across generations?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report on residential schools in Canada laid out the neglect and abuse aboriginal children and youth were put through. Studies have shown that trauma might have an affect not only the person experiencing the trauma, but also subsequent generations via their DNA. Brent speaks with Amy Bombay, assistant professor of psychiatry at Dalhousie University, on […]

Examining the Theory of Historical Trauma Among Native Americans

The theory of historical trauma was developed to explain the current problems facing many Native Americans. This theory purports that some Native Americans are experiencing historical loss symptoms (e.g., depression, substance dependence, diabetes, dysfunctional parenting, unemployment) as a result of the cross generational trauma from historical losses (e.g., loss of population, land, and culture). However, […]

Pregnant 9/11 survivors transmitted trauma to their children

A study was conducted to see the effects of trauma transmitted to offspring through genetics. 38 pregnant women who were at or near the World Trade Center during the attack were the research subjects. The study collected saliva from those women to test their levels of cortisol. The results found that the women who developed […]

Vatican may be asked to repeal edicts on “heathen” aboriginals

Support is growing to ask the Vatican to repeal the Papal Bulls of Discovery in the Doctrine of Discovery (DOD). The Doctrine of Discovery allowed envoys of the Vatican to kill or enslave any aboriginal person who refused to accept the edicts. Repealing the edicts would be an important step for the church to begin […]