Gathering of Native Americans (GONA)
The Boarding School Healing Coalition has helped facilitate GONAs in several tribal communities. We work with your tribal community and Tribal Tech, LLC through SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) to customize a Boarding School Healing event to meet your needs.
“Since it was developed in 1992, the GONA has been recognized as an effective culture-based intervention. The GONA starts the discussion on important issues identified by the community. In the time following the GONA, the real work begins—to develop, implement, and sustain strategic prevention activities and interventions that address the issues identified during the GONA.”
“The GONA is a journey of healing and transformation. It is as much about healing the past as it is about building the future. The GONA is a road map for the journey. The journey itself will need to be traveled by all members of the community. Ultimately, this journey is about reestablishing a safe, supportive, and nurturing community so AI/AN youth can thrive and grow up in balance.”

the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief
of the Cherokee Nation