Report on industrial schools for Indians and half-breeds

This report states that Canada should strategically establish residential schools for First Nation children in specific locations. The author cites the five “civilized” nations: the Cherokee, the Choctaw, the Chickasaw, the Creeks, and the Seminole (in the United States) as examples of success. Read PDF Here Flood, D.M. “Report on industrial schools for Indians and […]

Meriam Report: The Problem With Indian Administration

The section on education within the Meriam Report addresses how the educational system has failed Native American students, including the detrimental effects of Indian boarding schools. In addition to providing inadequate education, student suffer from malnourishment and abysmal living conditions which contributes to psychological distress. Read Article Here Meriam, Lewis et al. Meriam Report: The Problem […]

Indian Education: A National Tragedy-A National Challenge (Kennedy Report)

This report gives an extensive overview of Native American education in the United States, including how schools have failed to provide adequate education and this has resulted in poor academic and life outcomes for Native American communities. Additionally, the report makes subcommittee recommendations, such as the role federal and non-federal schools play in educating Native […]

Chapter 2: Child Sexual Abuse in Federal Indian Schools

Chapter 2: Child Sexual Abuse in Federal Indian Schools is one chapter within “A Report of the Special Committee Investigations of the Select Committee On Indian Affairs. Final Report and Legislative Recommendations.” It begins on page 93 in the text. This chapter details how the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) allowed the sexual abuse of […]

About Indian Boarding Schools: Background to Louise Erdrich’s Poem

This compilation has links to a series of articles, stories, and photographs from the Indian Boarding School era. Personal accounts from from students, and a school schedule are also included.  A general overview from the Indian Boarding School era is provided as well. Read Article Here Source: Louise Erdrich. Complied by Cary Nelson. “About Indian […]

The Reservation Boarding School System in the United States, 1870-1928

This article is a comprehensive overview of the boarding school system in the United States. It includes origins of the school system, justification for forcing Native American children to attend school, cultural assimilation, and the eventual opposition to the boarding school system. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Sonja Keohane. “The Reservation Boarding School System […]

Vatican may be asked to repeal edicts on “heathen” aboriginals

Support is growing to ask the Vatican to repeal the Papal Bulls of Discovery in the Doctrine of Discovery (DOD). The Doctrine of Discovery allowed envoys of the Vatican to kill or enslave any aboriginal person who refused to accept the edicts. Repealing the edicts would be an important step for the church to begin […]

American Indian Children at School, 1850-1930

This books is based on more than 100 autobiographical accounts from Native American students who attended government or mission run boarding schools. At these schools children were forced to abandon their rich heritage and culture for a foreign system that sought to assimilate them into mainstream, Christian society. This book is filled with stories of […]

White Mother to a Dark Race: Settler Colonialism, Maternalism, and the Removal of Indigenous Children in the American West and Australia, 1880-1940

Indigenous communities in the United States and Australia are united in a common experience: in the late 19th and early 20th century children were forcibly removed from their homes and communities and sent to boarding schools away from all they knew. Despite the school’s benevolent intentions, students suffered severe trauma, particularly at the hands of […]