John Sayles Directing New Film, “To Save the Man”

A film is going to be made about Carlisle Indian Industrial School, and focuses on an Ojibwe student who is brought to the school and stripped of this culture. Native American actors will be cast in the film. Producer Robert Redford says he believes this film will be significant to Native Americans. Read Article Here […]

Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report Signals Time For Government to Act

Canadian Justice Murray Sinclair has said the entire country must embark on a journey to repair the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau echoed a similar sentiment which was met with applause. Trudeau said it is time to renew the relationship between Canada and the Indigenous population. Justice Murray Sinclair discussed the […]

Aboriginal children at residential school often buried in unmarked graves, report reveals

Aboriginal children were more likely to die at residential school than non-Aboriginal children. The children were often buried in unmarked graves. According to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 3200 students died in residential schools from 1867-2000. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Marlene Leung. “Aboriginal children at residential school often buried in unmarked graves, […]

Death rate cover-up at Carlisle Indian School

Preston McBride, a graduate of a master’s program at Dartmouth, explains how the history of deaths at Carlisle Indian School is “whitewashed” and underplayed in historical accounts. According to McBride the motivation to keep the conditions at the school under wraps was directly tied to Pratt’s intention to expand this model of assimilation to the rest […]

Indian Boarding Schools, Then and Now

A history of boarding schools in Santa Fe, NM and how they evolved into a less abusive educational system over time. Initially scholars described these schools as “labor camps” or experiments in modified slavery, but eventually became schools with Native American staff who genuinely care about the wellbeing of their students. Read Article Here Read […]

Native American Leader Dennis Banks on the Overlooked Tragedy of Nation’s Indian Boarding Schools

An interview with Dennis Banks of the Ojibwe tribe who discusses Indian Boarding Schools being overlooked in the US. Banks describes the program as “de-Indianizing” via cultural genocide. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Democracy Now. “Native American Leader Dennis Banks on the Overlooked Tragedy of Nation’s Indian Boarding Schools.” October 8, 2012.  

School’s mission: take the Indian out of the child

Joan Crate tells the story of a young Blackfoot girl name Sinopaki who was forced to attend residential school in a novel called “Black Apple.” In the story, Sinopaki was stripped entirely of her culture and her name until her previously life became an unfamiliar, distant memory. Read Article Here Read PDF Here   Source: […]

New Book Recounts History of Sherman Institute

A book about the Sherman Institute in Riverside, CA was released with photographs of students during their time at the school. Co-editor Matthew Sakiestewa Gilbert talks about his discovery of his own family’s history at the school during his internship. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Bettye Miller. “New Book Recounts History of Sherman […]

‘Those kids never got to go home.’

Members of the Rosebud Sioux tribe want the bodies of children who died while attending the Carilsle Indian school to be returned to the tribe. Two dozen Rosebud Sioux tribal youth traveled to Washington DC for the Obama administration’s first tribal youth gathering. Afterward the group traveled to Carlisle. Read Article Here Read PDF Here […]

Research on Quaker Indian Day Schools and Boarding Schools

A researcher is examining the role the Quakers played during the Indian Boarding School era. The intention is to shed more light on the issue so the Religious Society of Friends can reflect on how Native communities continue to be impacted by their boarding school experiences. The hope is that this will inspire other church […]