Soul Wound: The Legacy of Native American Schools

Native American boarding school survivors describe the lasting trauma they experienced as a “soul wound” that has not healed. The trauma has manifested as dysfunction in tribal communities. Now, tribes must being the healing process. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Andrea Smith. “Soul Wound: The Legacy of Native American Schools.” October 9, 2015. […]

Resistance on the Great Plains: The Bismarck Indian School 1916-1921

This thesis is a story of resistance, resistance by Native students, and their parents, to an institution that was founded in an attempt to eradicate Native culture and Americanize Native people, specifically the children. The Bismarck Indian School was one of twenty-eight off-reservation boarding schools erected by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to assimilate Native […]

They ripped out our tongues: Language loss, historic trauma, and HB 216

A Tlingit woman from Alaska explains how boarding schools have affected the ability of Native communities to retain their language, left lasting impacts through intergenerational trauma. She also discusses HB 216 which would make 20 Alaska Native languages official languages of the state. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Kyle Wark. “They ripped out […]

Residential school archives set to open doors

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba will house millions of records collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The records, some of which were sealed for decades, include everything from school inspection reports to heartbreaking testimony from survivors who detailed graphic accounts of sexual and physical abuse. This archive […]

10 books about residential schools to read with your kids

Stories for different age groups to open up a dialogue about residential schools. The stories focus on boarding school experiences in Canada. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Chantelle Bellrichard. “10 books about residential schools to read with your kids.” September 26, 2015. CBC News.

Tlingit elders write boarding school history for future generations

Several elders in Alaska are telling their stories, and creating a K-12 curriculum that focuses on the colonization of the Tlingit people. Read Article Here Read PDF Here   Source: Lisa Phu. “Tlingit elders write boarding school history for future generations.” November 25. 2015. Ktoo Public Media.  

Tens of thousands of records and photos depicting the Indian residential school system will be seen in public for the first time this week

A video compilation explaining the history of Canada’s residential schools along with photographs taken at schools across the country spanning several decades. Watch Video Here Source: The Globe and Mail. “Tens of thousands of records and photos depicting the Indian residential school system will be seen in public for the first time this week.” November […]

Truth and Reconciliation Commission will present final report into residential schools Dec. 15

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will present its final report into the history and legacy of Canada’s residential school system on Dec. 15 in Ottawa. The commission’s summary report released in June made 94 recommendations, including changes in policies and programs. Its chair, Justice Murray Sinclair, called Canada’s treatment of aboriginal children a “cultural genocide” on […]

A Dakota family remembers: Three generations of boarding school

A Dakota family explains how their boarding school experiences varied across three generations. Family members noted how their experiences gradually improved with each generation attending school. Read Article Here  Read PDF Here  Source: Lance Nixon. “A Dakota family remembers: Three generations of boarding schools.” December 3, 2015. Capital Journal.  

Truth and Reconciliation Commission report brings calls for action, not words.

Commission releases 94 recommendations to confront ‘cultural genocide’ of schools. Justice Murray Sinclair, chair of the commission, called for changes in policies and programs, as well as commemoration through education and memorials, in introducing the commission’s summary report and 94 recommendations. ​”Words are not enough,” Sinclair said, to address the “cultural genocide” of residential schools on aboriginal communities. Read Article Here […]