We Were Children – The Traumatic Legacy of Residential Schools

In this feature film, the profound impact of the Canadian government’s residential school system is conveyed through the eyes of two children who were forced to face hardships beyond their years. As young children, Lyna and Glen were taken from their homes and placed in church-run boarding schools, where they suffered years of physical, sexual […]

Unsettling the Settler Within: Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada

This book makes a compelling plea for non-Aboriginal Canadians to undergo a process of reconciliation,  and decolonization in order to fully participate in a joint healing process with Aboriginal Canadians. The text argues that non-Aboriginal Canadians must abandon the myth of their ancestors as peacemakers and recognized the destruction felt by Aboriginal communities throughout history. […]

My People the Sioux

Standing Bear, the son of a Lakota chief, has led an interesting life. As a student he was in the first class at Carlisle Indian School, witnessed the Ghost Dance uprising on the Pine Ridge Reservation firsthand, toured Europe in a Wild West Show, and was heavily involved in the Indian rights movement. Book Available […]

Boarding School Era

A history of the Pauma and neighboring Luiseño bands experience in the Sherman Indian School. The tribes were against sending their children to Sherman and fought for their right to send their children to local schools. Read Article Here  Read PDF Here  Source: Pauma Tribe. Boarding School Era.  

South Dakota commits shocking genocide against Native Americans

South Dakota is violating ICWA by abducting and kidnapping Native children and placing them with white families. The practices of the state fall under the category of genocide according to the UN’s General Assembly definition. A legal campaign is underway to have the children returned to their families. Despite the state’s claims that they have […]

Make No Bones About It (Audio)

Sandy WhiteHawk was adopted by a non-Native family, but eventually returned to her roots. She founded and is the director of the First Nations Institute, an organization whose mission is to help Native adoptees and those who were in foster care reconnect with their tribal communities and identities. Listen to Podcast Here Source: White Hawk, […]

An overdue apology, part 1 of 5

The first part in the documentary asks U. of Minnesota students what they know about Native Americans. An introduction to significant Dakota words is presented along with the history of the Ojibwe and Dakota before and during European colonization. It briefly discusses  treaties between the tribes and the US government, contemporary federal Indian policy, how […]

Canada confronts ‘cultural genocide’ against aboriginal people

An op-ed piece stating the US should follow Canada’s example by acknowledging their government’s own history with forcing students to attend boarding schools. The article further elaborates that even though the boarding school era has passed, communities continue to feel the effects through intergenerational trauma. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Lauren Carasik. “Canada […]

Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the future – Summary of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

For over a century, the central goals of Canada’s Aboriginal policy were to eliminate Aboriginal governments; ignore Aboriginal rights; terminate the Treaties; and, through a process of assimilation, cause Aboriginal peoples to cease to exist as distinct legal, social, cultural, religious, and racial entities in Canada. The establishment and operation of residential schools were a […]

Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute: American Indian Students (1878-1923)

A document written from first person accounts by students detailing the lives of those who attended the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Tribal affiliation and the dates a child attended a school are also listed. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Jon L. Brudvig. “Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute: American Indian Students:1878-1923).” 1994 and […]