Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature, and the Body

This book addresses the idea that rhythm is an essential component of the human experience. It does this by asking how people respond when rhythm is disrupted through trauma and explores this through multiple cultural facets. Book Available for Purchase Here: Source: Korn, Leslie E. Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature, and the Body. New York, NY: […]

Our Culture is Medicine: Perspectives of Native Healers on Posttrauma Recovery Among American Indian and Alaska Native Patients

American Indian and Alaskan Native people experience more traumatic events and are at a higher risk for developing posttraumatic stress compared with the general population. Interviews were conducted with six Native healers about their perspective on traumatic injury and healing. The interviews were categorized in one of four categories: causes and consequences of traumatic injury, […]

Understanding the trauma of sexual abuse in American Indian children

This presentation provides an overview of all the topics presented in today’s hearing related to children exposed to violence in the home. Presenters provide a general overview of current research on American Indian children exposed to violence in the home, including exposure to domestic violence and child maltreatment. They discuss the intersection of domestic violence […]

Healing and Mental Health for Native Americans: Speaking in Red

Mental health issues, substance abuse, and violence are commonplace in Native American communities. In the text the author explains the significance of eliminating these issues within Indian Country by increasing access to helpful resources such as counseling. The book also uses a variety of professionals who explain how to use a combination of cultural traditions […]

Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence: Theory and Practice

Conflict amongst groups is not a new concept. This book focuses on reconciliation, justice, and coexistence in a post settlement era. Throughout the book the author is trying to answer four questions with fellow scholars: 1) Do truth commissions work? 2) What are the necessary conditions for reconciliation? 3) Can political agreements bring reconciliation? 4) […]

‘The Great Hurt’: Facing the Trauma of Indian Boarding Schools

How “The Great Hurt” a play written by a retired Indigenous artist and college faculty member about contemporary American Indian issues and the boarding school era, is being used to educate students and help communities heal from historical trauma. Non-Natives who saw the play mentioned they never knew the history of boarding schools prior to […]

What a Shaman Sees in a Mental Hospital

How a Shaman and non-western cultures view mental illness which contrasts with the western perspective. Incorporating Indigenous practices can help a person. From a Shaman’s perspective, mental illness signifies the “birth of a healer” and that person has been chosen as medium between this world and the spirit realm. Read Article Here Read PDF Here  […]

Mapping The Healing Journey: The final report of a First Nation Research Project on Healing in Canadian Aboriginal Communities

In each of these communities: Eskasoni First Nation, Esketmc First Nation, Hollow Water First Nation, Mnjikaning First Nation, Squamish First Nation, and Waywayseecappo First Nation) key healing personnel gave many hours and in some cases, days of their time grappling with very challenging and difficult questions related to the ongoing healing work in their communities […]

A Fearless Fight Against Historical Trauma, The Yup’ik Way

A community explains how traditional Yup’ik healing methods should be implemented to help overcome intergenerational trauma. This article follows a family as they struggle to cope with a young woman stabbing her uncle in an alcohol fueled argument. Read Article Here Read PDF Here Source: Mary Annette Pember. “A Fearless Fight Against Historical Trauma, The […]

Traditional Over Conventional Therapies When It Comes To Native Vets and PTSD

Many Native Americans who participated in a university survey about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) say traditional healing therapies are more effective for them than conventional therapies offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Among the therapies they cite: Sweat lodge ceremonies, purification lodge ceremonies, spiritual ceremonies involving cultural songs and, among horse cultures, equine […]

A community-based treatment for Native American historical trauma: prospects for evidence based practice

19 staff members and clients met in a Native American healing lodge and discussed their therapeutic approach to healing from historical trauma. The healing process was composed of 4 components: 1) Counselors recognized the pain carried by their clients resulted in dysfunction which (for some) led to substance abuse. 2) Clients acknowledged their pain and the manifestations […]