Is Forgiveness the Only Option to Heal from Historical Trauma?

This piece examines the questions of forgiveness and healing, particularly in the context of “is forgiveness the only way to heal from historical trauma? Someone asked the author (Dina Gilio-Whitaker) this question during an interactive play titled “Urban Rez.”  Unlike other communities that have come into power and have taken control of their own destinies, […]

Health system should recognize intergenerational trauma, expert says

The Chief Medical Officer for the First Nations Health Authority is calling on healthcare practitioners to be mindful of intergenerational trauma when treating First Nation’s patients. Dr. Evan Adams describes trauma as a wound, and needs to be treated with care and compassion. For example traumatic experiences in residential schools can result in distrust of […]

Young people talk about residential school

When we think of residential schools, many will picture images of elderly survivors struggling to cope with their experiences. But the legacy of the schools, lives on in generations of Indigenous Canadians. A third generation descendent of a survivor, and a residential school survivor discuss how the residential school system has impacted them. Both support […]

The Fighter

At a Canadian residential school, Willie Blackwater stood up to his abuser and was able to stop him and other students from facing further abuse and was able to live with a family during the school year. This experience showed him it was possible to fight back against the system trying to oppress him and […]

Residential school survivors share their story of healing

Two survivors of the Mohawk Indian Residential School share their different experiences. The first survivor, Audrey Hill, attended the school for one year. Coming from an environment where her parents showed affection, she knew there was something wrong at Mohawk. She heard stories of abuse, was slapped, and had her hair pulled while attending school. […]

Lateral Violence

The video explains how lateral violence is ravaging Indigenous communities through gossip, and people undermining each other as a way to feel powerful or gain something. Lateral violence has it’s roots in colonialism and feelings of powerlessness. Cultural revitalization and preservation are one way to build positive community in communities that have experienced trauma and […]

Unsettling the Settler Within: Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada

This book makes a compelling plea for non-Aboriginal Canadians to undergo a process of reconciliation,  and decolonization in order to fully participate in a joint healing process with Aboriginal Canadians. The text argues that non-Aboriginal Canadians must abandon the myth of their ancestors as peacemakers and recognized the destruction felt by Aboriginal communities throughout history. […]

Make No Bones About It (Audio)

Sandy WhiteHawk was adopted by a non-Native family, but eventually returned to her roots. She founded and is the director of the First Nations Institute, an organization whose mission is to help Native adoptees and those who were in foster care reconnect with their tribal communities and identities. Listen to Podcast Here Source: White Hawk, […]

We Are Coming Home (website)

Sandy White Hawk tells her story of being adopted by a white family, overcoming alcoholism, and returning to her roots on the Rosebud Sioux reservation. She credits attending social gatherings, ceremonies, and pow wows with helping her reconnect to her roots. She realized the need for an organization that helps network and assists adoptees, fostered […]