The Case of Boarding Schools in the United States of America

This statement was made on behalf of the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) by Denise Lajimodiere and Andrea Carmen. This statement explains the history of boarding schools, the impact boarding schools have had on Native American communities, languages, and cultures, and outlines steps needed in order for reconciliation to take place. Download […]

American Indian Boarding Schools in the United States: A Brief History and Legacy

In this article the author initially explains what sparked her interest in researching boarding school survivor stories. She gives a detailed history of boarding schools, specifically that many children were abused, contracted diseases, and were subjected to forced assimilation. 20 boarding school survivors were interviewed and four major themes were present: 1) the participants attending […]

American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research

This is a link to a professionally referenced academic journal, with issues dating back to 1982. Article topics include case studies, program evaluations, empirical research, unpublished dissertations, any other articles relevant to mental health among Native Americans and Alaska Natives. Go to Website Here Source: Journal: American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research. Colorado […]

Healing Cultural Wounds

This page provides links to several stories from the Boarding School Era about healing from residential schools. This includes how families can heal from the trauma through activities, and Indigenous wisdom. Listen to Dr. Martha Many Grey Horses Here Listen to Chief Phil Lane, Jr. Here Sources: Many Grey Horses, M. “A Heartfelt Journey Through […]

Welcome Home

Sandy White Hawk was adopted by a white family as a child, but eventually returned home to the Rosebud Sioux reservation and reconnected with her roots. This inspired her to help other Native Americans who had been adopted or lived with foster families to reconnect with their own cultures. Historically, Native American children being adopted […]

Trails of Tears, and Hope

This powerful article addresses a broad ranges of issues including historical trauma across generations, substance abuse, poverty, and healing practices. For example tribal communities can revitalize their culture by hosting traditional dances, drumming and singing circles, and quilting and weaving groups to occupy social spaces formerly held by substance abuse. The CEO of a Native […]

Report: Truth and Reconciliation Commission Required to Confront Past, Move Forward

The Lakota People’s project wants the United States to follow in Canada’s footsteps by establishing a Truth and Reconciliation Commision. It’s time the United States acknowledges it’s dark role in destroying Native American communities through compulsory residential school attendance. The traumatic effects from residential school are still felt within Native communities today. Many Native Americans […]

Resilience: The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope

This is a documentary that discusses how adverse childhood experiences (ACE) can affect physical health throughout someone’s life and create other issues such as decreased life expectancy. The professionals in the documentary stress the importance of reversing the effects ACE can have on a person’s life through different practices. Watch Trailer Here Source: “Resilience: The […]

Quaker Indian Boarding Schools: Facing Ourselves and Our History

In this article Paula Palmer addresses the Quaker’s role in Indian Boarding schools, and the effects these schools continue to have on boarding school survivors, their descendents, and communities. She amplifies this by adding perspectives and quotes from students and faculty who attended or worked at Quaker-run schools. In the end she calls on fellow […]