NABS welcomes 3 new staff members

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Join us in welcoming three new members to our growing team! 

Sandy White Hawk (Sicancgu Lakota) was formerly NABS’s board president before joining the team as our new Director of Healing Programs. She will lead culturally relevant healing and wellness strategies with boarding school survivors, descendants, families, and partners. Sandy is the founder of the First Nations Repatriation Institute, a long-time ICWA advocate, the recipient of numerous awards, and an author. Make sure to check out her recently published book “A Child of the Indian Race: A Story of Return.”

Fallon Carey (Cherokee Nation) joined NABS in the fall of 2022 to support our multi-year efforts of archiving stories and documentation from hundreds of Indian boarding schools across the country. She has a Master’s in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and most recently worked at the University of Utah to catalog oral histories from individuals from 90 different Tribal Nations for the Native American Oral History project.

Brad Angerman (Tlingit) joins the team as the new Communications Director. He will lead efforts to highlight the organization’s work and grow its public profile online and in the media. He has more than 11 years of experience working with Tribes and Native organizations on campaigns ranging from the protection of sacred sites and treaty rights to the MMIW/P crisis. Brad is the former Communications Director of the Seattle Indian Health Board and Urban Indian Health Institute.